Covid 19 production health and safety guidelines
Moving forward we are all seeking clarity on how we work, and where we work. Most of all we need to be safe. With changes that need to take place clarity on how we work to keep our talent, crew, and clients safe is essential. We’ve developing our guide lines in accordance with Screen Industry New Zealand and Advertising and Illustrative Photographers Association NZ.
We have stocks of masks, gloves, and hand sanitiser to bring to productions.
All normal content creation is available following recommended health and safety practises.
24 hours prior to filming or still photography all talent, crew and clients will be asked to confirm in writing if they have any symptoms of Covid, and where appropriate alternative arrangements can be made.
PPE and hygiene items such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and personal distancing observance will be available and used as required.
LEVEL 2 Reduce
Normal content creation is available following recommended health and safety practises.
24 hours prior to filming or still photography all talent, crew and clients will be asked to confirm in writing if they have any symptoms of flu or Covid, and where appropriate alternative arrangements can be made.
PPE and hygiene items such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and personal distancing observance will be used as required.
National travel will be deferred but regional travel will continue on a requirement basis.
Pre-production activities will be done on line as much as possible. Location options can be done by one team member reporting back to the team with imagery and or video as required.
Will we continue to provide quotes, bids, on-line prep such as casting / stock library file selection and designing shoots to fit with regulations and safety procedures appropriate to the national alert level. Schedules always tentative.
Quotes and Estimates will include TBC safety and PPE costs including adhering to all safety measures.
Estimates include outside of estimate cost implications of moving up or down an alert level during production and cancellation or postponement charges broken down as per the stage of production
Contingency planning will allow for “B” talent or standby talent in cast of anyone declaring symptoms the prior to filming.
Arrange shoots for a maximum 5 persons on set with necessary H&S distance protocol adhered to and using localised crew wherever possible. Client and agency can video chat in remotely as required.
Content creation available
Social media message support services such as Podcast editing, video message editing (using phone capture or stock library imagery or footage)
All meetings can happen via phone or online - backed up with email correspondence confirming all decisions.
Collaborating with other creatives to update your social media portfolio.
We can provide quotes, concept pitches, online preparations such as casting / stock library file selection. No confirmed schedules until appropriate level is reached.
Content creation available
Social media message support services such as Podcast editing, video message editing (using phone capture or stock library imagery or footage)
All meetings can happen via phone or online - backed up with email correspondence confirming all decisions.
Collaborating with other creatives to update your social media portfolio.
Please note:
These guidelines are subject to changes as the situation develops and official guidelines are developed across the industry and directed by the New Zealand Government. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
From Screen Safe Version 3 20/3/2020
Shoot and Set Ideas/Guidelines
Discuss per Job / Respond to the evolving situation with NEW ideas! Practise social distancing - Wherever possible work from home using live feeds and conference calls. Minimise contact where-ever you can – for instance during the pre-production and post phases – prep crew work from home, meetings are held virtually where-ever possible. People should travel individually or in small numbers whenever they can – e.g. on Recce’s. If any part of your role does not require you to be on set or in the office please work from home whenever possible. Wherever possible, reduce or segregate numbers on set for the day or each sequence / set up. Looking at segregation of Crew, Talent, Agency & Client into smaller groups throughout shoot to minimise unnecessary contact. Provide each group with independent hand stations / catering and toilets. Wherever possible use digital documents with sign on receipt / read if required, minimise distribution of call sheets, sign-in / out, time sheets etc. Practice strict hygiene both in offices, during any meetings, and on shoots. 1st AD, Safety Officer and/or Production to include COVID-19 Prevention measures in their Health and Safety Briefings / Inductions - give instructions both verbally and in written form. All cast, crew, agency and client must advise production if you have returned from any overseas location in the last 14 days and strictly follow the self-isolation rules. As per New Zealand Government Requirements (as of Sunday 15th March). Wherever possible treat all seats as closed sets. Only essential persons on set at any time, others standing by elsewhere. Potentially make additional monitors available for personnel to watch so as to avoid crowding around one or two monitors. Make up and wardrobe – plan for their unique situation of close / physical contact. Best practices in place, wipe down between every person, try not to share space, do not share any personal items, i.e. combs, brushes etc. Production will have either washing stations or hand sanitiser on set. Please use them regularly throughout the day including before and after meals, bathroom breaks etc.
Look at additional toilet units on site for busier days. Please alert production immediately if throughout the day you begin to feel unwell. Avoid shaking hands, kissing and unnecessary physical contact with other crew members while on set. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze. Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean. For those who must have physical contact, i.e. Talent, Makeup, Wardrobe, Audio etc, please ensure you use extra hygiene protocols - hand washing, sterilising, use of wipes. Clean shared surfaces and equipment often. Radios to be cleaned down with disinfectant wipes prior to distribution and again upon wrap. Use disinfectants to regularly clean commonly touched items. Germs travel fast with multiple hands touching shared surfaces. For on set catering - beyond normal hygiene rules, please adhere to the following: Meals to be served in to-go boxes or served by professional caterers wearing gloves (no self-help buffets). Wash hands and put on clean gloves prior to handling food, plates and utensils. Do not provide any communal ready-to-eat or hand around food e.g. snacks, chips, nuts, cookies, lollies etc. If required present individually packaged items. Use disposable, compostable cups on set instead of reusable cups. Bottled water to be provided on set instead of Water Coolers for the duration of the COVID-19 situation.