Ben Woollen Cinematographer and Director

Once and a while you get to meet someone that really has a lot more to say than they let come forth. That quietly spoken person that says what needs to be said in not much more. I had the great pleasure to meet and work with Ben Woollen on the set of Adam Harvey’s Minimally Invasive. There I was able to watch him create some pretty stunning visuals for that short, and had the advantage to do it as the behind the scenes camera operator.   The great thing about shooting behind the scenes is it gives you the chance to be part of that team but not have the pressures of the production crew. I got to watch Ben create with Adam, which always suits my visual journalistic nature.  To see a creative team take ideas from the page to the screen is really fascinating to me.

On set of Minimally Invasive.  copyright 2020

On set of Minimally Invasive. copyright 2020

Ben struck me as extremely professional and in the short conversations I quickly wanted to know more about his work and how he got to where he is today. Thankfully Ben was happy to come on to this podcast, talk about his film journey thus far and some of his plans for the future.  

“I got to play with Gopros with Peter Jackson”

His insights and stories are fantastic and inspiring.  From creating stop motion animations with a side-loading VHS camera, to playing with Gopros with Sir Peter Jackson, on Mortal Engines, Ben's path has taken him from Hamilton to Wellington's film community to San Fran for the Scott Dixon documentary “Born Racer”.  



I truly enjoyed talking with Ben and I know you will too.  He has some great insights on the film industry and advice for those whether they are trying to get in to it or they have started their journey.


Ben Woollen -

Chasing Time English -

GFC Films -

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