Photo:  Chris Hillock - Waikato Landscapse


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—  STORY  —

The power of story telling.

Whether we know it or not we use the power of story everyday. From reading to the kids, to the news we digest in the morning. Story motivates us, educates us, inspires us and motivates us. It is the ancient craft of story — that fireside tradition that predates the written word and allows a message to be transmitted through generations. It’s part of our human makeup that we all love and enjoy More than anything story connects people. It inspires, engages, and allows our audience to lose themselves and relate to the people, or the business. If you're trying to get your message out there in a way that's deeply felt and drives action, we'd love to talk to you about finding and telling your story. Above all, engaging stories, whether with stills or a motion imagery production, creates trust, the most powerful tool in your project.

Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.”
— Professor Robert McKee.


To engage with any audience and maximise the impact of your message, your story must be strong and clear. To do that we need we dig in and go deep on detail, the why, where, how to make sure we can get as much flavour of you, your product and your business. This allows us to create an amazing film that will give us power of Narrative Transport the power to take the viewer to a place where they feel and connect with the characters and elements of your story.

Whether is a stills shoot, or a motion production it’s always important to be clear on the purpose of the project.




We talk to you and those important to your story to find the key elements and condense them down in to their most powerful and simplest form, Keywords.



Developing the story is critical to making the biggest impact and influence on your audience. To deliver these key messages, a package is created that will best meet your needs, whether that’s in pure visuals, music, interviews or narration, or a mix.



Our Award–winning team then goes into the field and brings your story to life. We handle the entire process from start to finish.